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The Seedl Academy focuses on service and quality every day, with the interests of you, our customer, as our primary concern. The Seedl Academy does everything possible to achieve this, but sometimes you might be dissatisfied or have other expectations of our services. Below you will find out how you can make a complaint about the Seedl Academy and what you can expect from the Seedl Academy in this regard.

Who can file a complaint with the Seedl Academy?

You can file a complaint with the Seedl Academy in the following cases:

  • You are dissatisfied with a course you have taken at the Seedl Academy.
  • You are dissatisfied with a service you have received from the Seedl Academy or a person acting on behalf of the Seedl Academy.

How can you make a complaint about the Seedl Academy?

If you are dissatisfied with a Seedl Academy service, you can submit your complaint by email to

Social media is not considered by the Seedl Academy to be an appropriate channel to express a complaint. Therefore, the Seedl Academy does not consider itself obligated to respond to dissatisfied comments posted on social media. Furthermore, the Seedl Academy does not feel obliged to react to anonymous complaints or expressions of dissatisfaction or statements that are contrary to the European Human Rights Treaty.

What does it cost to file a complaint about the Seedl Academy?

The Seedl Academy does not charge a fee for filing a complaint.

What can you expect from the Seedl Academy after submitting a complaint?

The Seedl Academy guarantees a fair, efficient and confidential treatment of your complaint.

Once the Seedl Academy has received your complaint, the manager will initiate an objective review. Unless the manager can send you a reasoned response within 5 working days of receiving your complaint, within 3 working days of receiving the complaint, an acknowledgement of receipt is sent to you outlining the outcome of your complaint.

Once the review has been completed, you will receive a written response to your complaint from the  Seedl Academy. Depending on the outcome of the review, the Seedl Academy will either fully or partially respond to your complaint(s) or maintain its position.

You can expect the following response times from the Seedl Academy:

  • Action
  • Response time
  • Acknowledgement of your complaint sent:
    • 3 business days after receiving your complaint, unless a response to your complaint can be sent within 5 business days.
    • Sending an initial response to the content of your complaint without an acknowledgement being sent to you
    • 5 business days after receiving your complaint.
    • Sending an initial reaction regarding the content of your complaint after an acknowledgement of receipt has been sent to you:
    • Sending a reasoned decision
Talent acquisition Academy 02/342.12.35